
HostBaby gives you two plans to choose from: Site Builder or Full Developer. HostBaby bills based on the number of hosted sites, though, so whichever plan you choose, you’ll still pay the same fee: $20 per month for your first domain, and $10 per month for each additional site.

So what’s the difference between the two plans? Two words: available controls.

Site Builder is designed for users who have little coding knowledge or website-building experience. It comes with theme galleries, drag-and-drop widgets, and so on.

Full Developer, meanwhile, is for users who know their way around HTML, CSS, and/or PHP and MySQL. It supposedly gives you free reign to tinker with your themes and whatever aspect of your website you want to customize. That said, HostBaby’s various tools and components turn out to be less customizable than promised. You’ll have to do a lot of wrangling if you want deeper changes than, say, simple palette switch-ups — and in that case, you might have an easier time using standard site building tools and/or content management systems like WordPress.