Signing up and Starting the Search

Before checking out OneGreatFamily, it’s important to evaluate the way you personally approach genealogy research and ask yourself: Did I pick up this hobby because I like looking at the results, or do I love going through records? Is tracing my lineage as far back as I can the goal, or is it getting to know each and every ancestor? Do I value speed and automation or do I value hands-on, personal work?

Leading genealogy research services typically offer access to a comprehensive family builder, which you can then populate with information using data gleaned from a huge site archive containing historical records and members’ family trees. This setup allows you to go either or both ways: you can go with a results-driven or research-driven approach, or a mix of the two. More niche services typically cater to the research-driven, touting exclusive and rare content that leading websites may not have in their archives.

Online Records Management

OneGreatFamily is at the opposite end of the spectrum. It does not boast of any sort of historical record archive; instead it calls itself an online records management tool–and one of the most technologically-advanced in the industry, too. Family tree builders are generally used to contextualize genealogy research; looking at each significant record separately may help you understand the lives of individual ancestors, but a well-done family tree helps you understand the big picture. It allows you to link all the records, photos and anecdotes into an unbroken, living and breathing, generation-after-generation familial narrative. It is that big picture that drives OneGreatFamily, and it is also what it offers to its subscribers.

Learning Center

With OneGreatFamily, you don’t start a search; they do it for you automatically. As there is no archive of historical records, after signup you don’t browse record collections. You can, however, go through the provided downloadable OneGreatFamily QuickStart Guide PDF; to get a feel for the service’s features. You can also check out the comprehensive Learning Center that does point you to other helpful resources that will complement what OneGreatFamily offers–there are links to everything, from genealogy research primers to guides for specific record types, and even a last names origin index.