Health Warnings

If you are planning to take Waklert, it is best to know some of the warnings and contraindications associated with the use of this drug to avoid having complications or adverse side effects.

Below are a few things to remember before taking this medication:

  • If you have liver or kidney problems, it is imperative to consult with your specialist before taking Waklert.
  • Do not take this drug with liquor or any alcohol mixed drinks as this can be dangerous.
  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women are not allowed to take this medication.
  • Individuals with a history of stroke or cardiac condition should as well consult with their doctors before taking this pill.
  • Do not take this drug before a surgery.
  • Avoid taking this with your oral contraceptive pills as it may reduce the effectiveness of the contraceptives.
  • Waklert is not meant for children consumption. Intake without guidance may result to intense side effects.

Please note that above are only a brief summary of the warnings and interested users should consult and seek more details with a qualified specialist to know more about the pros and cons of Waklert.

Pricing and Dosage

Since Waklert is a generic brand, it is actually less expensive compared to other famous Armodafinil brands. It comes in 50mg or 150mg dosage and each pack contains 10 tablets. The product is only available in India and since it is a prescription drug, you need to secure a prescription from a registered medical practitioner first before you can avail of this drug. Some online pharmacies, however, sell Waklert without prescriptions. Keep in mind, however, that buying regulated drugs through these means pose a higher risk, so make sure that you purchase from a reliable online seller that sells authentic Sun Pharma Waklert pills. Be vigilant and read as many reviews as you can about the different sellers and the products they offer before making a decision. The price ranges from $.24 to $1.50 per pill. Some online sellers offer discounts when you purchase at a higher quantity. You may also want to consider the shipping cost to your location when purchasing online.

Waklert has a long half-life (the time it takes for a substance to lose half of its pharmacologic activity) and you usually need only one dosage per day to experience its benefits. The standard dosage is 150mg per pill. The drug can be used with or without food and is usually taken early in the morning. It is advisable, however, to consult your doctor first before starting on this medication as your specific condition may entail a different dosage and a specific time when you should take the pill. Say for example in shift work sleep disorder where it is advisable to take the pill an hour before your work starts.

What's the Verdict on Waklert?

A Must Try

Waklert – Conclusion

Waklert is one of the most popular brands of nootropic drugs that has gained recognition throughout the globe. You can take advantage of its full potential at the same time be able to identify its side effects with proper medical guidance. So before taking this medication, consult with your doctor first. Check out Waklert now and explore its possibilities!