Ultimate Forums

If you want the ultimate forum experience, phpBB is the way to go. phpBB has years of experience in this field and provides a basic yet functional forum software for you to use.

With phpBB forums you are allowed to add attachments to your posts making conversations and exchanges more animated and engaging. Aside from attachments, you also have a wide array of smileys to use and you also have the option of adding custom smileys to make sure your posts reflects exactly how you feel. phpBB has a quick reply feature where you can reply to posts faster through posting boxes without having to load the entire page. You can also quote other user’s posts, hold polls and even censor certain words or phrases.

You are given not only forums with phpBB, you can create password protected forums and create exclusivity. phpBB also allows unlimited number of subforums in its hierarchical  structure. Users are also allowed to subscribe to forums or topics to make sure they are always updated on new posts.

With these features and more under the hood, phpBB can clearly provide the ultimate forum experience to its users.

What's the Verdict on phpBB?

A Must Have

phpBB Review – Conclusion

If you want to build a customized, engaging and affordable forum, then phpBB is perfect for you. It is absolutely free so you just have to download the software to use it, no credit cards, no payments, nothing at all. You can even try out the demo on their website if you really want to make sure it is right for you. There are a lot of great basic features that phpBB provides to the forum and some advanced ones that will give your forum users a good experience using it. It is very easy to set up and 100% free so there really is no risk in trying them out, so why not go ahead and give phpBB a try. The millions and millions of users can’t be wrong about it.