Products and Pricing

If you’ve shopped around for modafinil and other nootropics online, you might have noticed that a lot of stores don’t ship to the US, UK, or Australia – often due to issues with customs screenings. For potential customers in these countries, finding a reliable modafinil supplier can seem like an impossible task.

That’s the niche that MedsForBitcoin fills. The company offers modafinil and armodafinil specifically for customers based in the US, UK, and Australia, though the company is also open to orders from other countries.

So much for the good part. Here’s the slightly less cheery news: MedsForBitcoin only carries one brand each of modafinil and armodafinil.

You can order Modalert, one of the most popular alternative modafinil brands out there; and Waklert, another popular alternative brand, this time for armodafinil enthusiasts. Both brands are manufactured by Sun Pharmaceuticals in India, where MedsForBitcoin’s shipping operations are also based.

Modalert is only available in 200 mg tablets. Waklert, meanwhile, is only sold in 150 mg doses.